Monthly Horoscopes March 2025

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

The start of the season sees you take a quiet moment to reflect on the past summer season. But you can’t keep a good Aries silent for long and time out gives you the impetus to step up your game as the season progresses. A Solar Eclipse on March 29 is a pivotal point. As you reflect on seasonal changes you may also recognise a need to alter your own personal lifestyle. April sees you improve your health and therefore your happiness. By May you are ready to boost your financial, emotional and spiritual worth. Now is the time for self-reflection and self-improvement.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

Connections with friends and associates are highlighted as the new season starts. It is a period during which you can shore up your links with groups and clubs. You are a loyal, steadfast ally for all who come into your social circle. Now you can clearly see those who reciprocate. As the season progresses you may withdraw from society a little to consider the changes of the past year before moving into your birthday season. By May you are ready to emerge, like a butterfly from a cocoon. You may even present a new image, having had a makeover.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

It is time for you to consider professional options based on financial matters. You may need to shoulder extra responsibilities at work. You are keen to make the most of your skills ensuring fair pay for your efforts. As a Gemini, boredom is your archenemy. Before making any rash decisions consult trusted friends and colleagues. Mid-season is the right timing to align your personal dreams with your chosen career, perhaps working with groups. By the end of the season, you can take a step away from general society, enjoying some quiet moments to contemplate the change in circumstances in previous months.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

There are times when you can hide away from the world, burying yourself in the comfort of your home and loved ones. Then there are times when you need to shine in the world through travelling, publishing, teaching, lecturing and such like. The new season starts with you focusing on yourself. It is your opportunity to broaden your horizons. You can now receive the recognition that you deserve or move on. Celebrations abound by the end of May. Engagements, weddings, anniversaries etc are written in the stars.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

Mortgage payments and other debts are on your mind now. It is time to reassess your outgoing payments with a view to reducing debt. Lucky Leos may score a windfall such as a tax return, lottery win or unexpected inheritance from a distant friend or relative. Circumstances may also trigger your psychic powers prompting you to seek answers. Alternatively, your windfall could lead to plans to travel or study. The planet of action, Mars, moves into your Zodiac Sign on April 18 cranking up your energy. You are now supercharged, more than ready to pursue your true north.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

Contracts – verbal and written – are your focus during March. These are likely to be agreements between you and personal or business partners. It may be time to consult an expert in the field that is under review. Public accountants, relationship counsellors or lawyers, or your personal astrologer can be helpful. A Lunar Eclipse in your Zodiac Sign on March 13 brings personal circumstances to light, perhaps not straight away but within a few weeks. The details of your terms of agreement are likely to be resolved or enter the legal courts mid-season. Then you will have clarity.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

Daily details like taking your clothes to the dry cleaners, tailor, or even the local opportunity shop are the focal point as the new season starts. Your workaday life also changes as office politics shifts momentum. March is the ideal month for Librans to start volunteer or charity work if that has been on your ‘to do’ list. Otherwise, you can focus on your health and the upkeep of your house and small animals. As the season progresses the focus shifts to partnerships as you negotiate shared resources. The month of May is about banks, tax offices, lawyers and official money channels.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

Singer Robbie Williams’ song ‘Let Me Entertain You’ could be your theme song in March as you seek to have fun, be entertained and entertain others. As old flame or a new one may enter your life, as romance becomes a priority. Children can also be a source of enjoyment as they bring out the playful side of your more serious nature. So, too, can small animals that are considered your ‘fur babies’. Everyday duties take over as the season progresses. By the end of the season, you are ready to take your romantic connections more seriously.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

Real estate – yours or an investment group – features in March. If you are happily settled, then perhaps changes in family life prompt room alterations or renovations. Otherwise, it may be time to consider a change of address. The idea is to tackle home and family decisions in March so that you are ready for the creative, fun-filled pursuits mid-season. By the end of the season your work/life balance needs to be supporting your health and wellbeing. May sees you focus on ways to boost your physical and emotional health. This may involve slowing down a little.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

Your usual reserved manner may be challenged in March with situations calling for a more emotional connection. You need to dig deep and communicate how you really feel about a situation, particularly one linked to neighbours and siblings. As the season progresses, your attention turns to matters closer to home. Family members or house mates come and go as you tend to household duties, and perhaps DIY or renovation projects. By May you are able to relax and have some fun-filled moments. The idea is to let go of your usual reservations and indulge in activities that raise your endorphins.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

As Pluto, the planet of transformation traverses your Zodiac Sign, it is time to evaluate your true worth. This maybe a financial evaluation or it could be anything that contributes to you feeling worthy. The nitty gritty is your personal value system. Siblings, and stepbrothers or sisters may be on the scene at the start of the season. You may take a few short trips to help your siblings, or situations connected to them. By the end of the season, you know who your true family is and are ready to settle comfortably at home.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

The news season represents new beginnings for Pisces. You are gentle person, sensitive to other people’s needs, unless you are roused by unfair treatment. As a water sign you can go with the flow most of the time but now it is time to assert yourself. A Lunar Eclipse on March 14 gives you the impetus to realise some of your own dreams. As the season progresses your self-worth improves, reflecting in decisions connected to money matters. Midseason sees you checking and adjusting your budget, as you plan or take a short journey near the water or over water.