Southern Moon Information

  • Today’s Moon Forecast

    Moon in Aquarius

    crescent moon buttonAquarius sign glyph symbol

    Moon is travelling through Aquarius today. Go against the grain. Fight for a cause. Stand up for the underdog.

  • Current Planetary Positions

    Sun 05° Aries 55' 48"
    Moon 23° Aquarius 28' 06"
    Mercury 03° Aries 04' 05" R
    Venus 00° Aries 36' 01" R
    Mars 21° Cancer 51' 23"
    Jupiter 15° Gemini 08' 08"
    Saturn 23° Pisces 48' 24"
    Uranus 24° Taurus 30' 24"
    Neptune 29° Pisces 50' 38"
    Pluto 03° Aquarius 27' 34"
    Chiron 21° Aries 58' 15"
    TrueNode 27° Pisces 24' 35"