Tarot Glance

Tarot at a Glance allows you the to see a general overview on any decisions you may be feeling a little lost with. Using the original Pamela Coleman cards created in 1909.

You can shuffle the cards, or simply click them to show what card has been chosen, then if you click again, you will see a text interpretation. 

Tarot For Love

Present Situation

How they feel about you



Your objectives now need to be focussed on the long term solution to current problems, rather than just a band aid on the situation.

There are decisions to be made.

This card symbolises great happiness and contentment.

A keen eye for details may lead to you gaining a financial increase.

Tarot For Career

Present Situation

Where to focus



A woman of position, power and authority. It may be expressed in the home or as head of a business empire. She is commanding and forthright. She makes wise choices based on all the information she can gather. This can also mean that you are entering a time of prosperity and abundance. Good luck and opportunities may literally just drop in your lap.

This is a card of travel and usually means going over water, though can mean an ocean voyage specifically.

The time has come to reflect on the choices you have made along the way. This card shows that wrongs will be put right.

You are being guided in the right direction and the promise of a better day. You are also about to have much abundance enter your life through many and varied ways. If you have been looking for a certain job, more than likely you will achieve it and this will reflect what is going on inside you, which is finding your true niche in life.

Tarot For Friends

Present Situation

Where to focus



Very deep emotions and if you are going through any big events in your life this will be a meaningful period for you and one that will be long remembered.

It can be a new life created out of the wisdom of the lessons you have learned from your past and even from the mistakes you have made. If there is someone in your life whom you would like to reunite with, now is the time to approach them and rekindle lost friendship, or long lost love.

The time has come to reflect on the choices you have made along the way. This card shows that wrongs will be put right.

This card is generally a big “YES!” card, confirmation that what you seek is on its way.

Tarot For Money

Present Situation

Where to focus



A man whose aim is to appear wealthy, which is his ultimate goal.

There are things and situations to ponder over and a time of solitude is required before a decision has to be made.

Your objectives now need to be focussed on the long term solution to current problems, rather than just a band aid on the situation.

Mystical studies may also appeal to you at this time, and you could take up the study of subjects such as astrology, tarot or other esoteric knowledge. Incredible gifts await for you.

All you have to do is acknowledge that within lies all knowledge. This is a card of wisdom and intelligence.