
Angel Card Reading

Angel Card ReadingI think all of the Angels were watching over me when I decided to create this Angel Oracle. I asked the Angels and the Universe for guidance and clarity and to assist me with creating a visionary splendour. I was led to Lynx. What a luminous giving soul she is!

Without question Lynx generously offered to share her Angel Oracle passages. Beautifully crafted she weaves her words together to form crystalline stories that hold you spellbound…

With much appreciation and thanks and all of our blessings please do take some time to visit her site and learn about her other passion… Flower, Gem, Shell And Vibrational Essences. I hope too that I have been able to do her words justice with own art work in creating Angel Imagery to go hand in hand with Lynx’s wording.

Angel text by Lynx

Angel images by Jen & the Angels – I say this because I’m not an artist. I created the images in PhotoShop on my computer. On many occassion I’d finish an Angel and then have to and get my hubby to come look at it with me, and all the time I’m thinking “wow, that’s really good – where did that come from?” I will publish them, I just haven’t quite decided whether to go through a Publishing house or self publish them. Lynx and I and the Angels are still working through a few more images also. For those who asked, whilst I do not necessarily have any favourites – I am particularly drawn to Auriel & Michael.