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Why NewAgeStore.com?

Online since '99
We’ve been around since last century ❤

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Created in 1999, with the simple intent of sharing spiritual knowledge. Before I turned 18 my grandfather gave me a packet of old playing cards, now my pop did like to tell a tale or two, so at the time I didn’t know if what he told me was actually true! He said, when I was a couple of years younger than you, an old gypsy woman gave me these cards, she said to me “keep these and one day you will give them to someone who will share them with more people than you could imagine”. Well I guess he was telling the truth! These cards are the only ones of their kind and are over 100 years old. Pop, his story and my newly acquired cards started me on my life of discovery and ever since then I have spent my life being a student of spirituality. Everything I have absorbed has been weaved into NewAgeStore. If you’ve arrived here, then yes, you are who this site was created for. NewAgeStore.com is a spiritual hub with free tarot, astrology and divination tools, a blog, inspirational tips and tricks. Shared with love from my soul to yours. ❤




I am the soul behind the scenes here at NewAgeStore. I live in Australia on a farm, shared with 4 divine teenagers, my beautiful partner and… (big breath!)… 4 dogs, 4 cats, chickens, goats, horses, fish and a bird! When I’m not sharing my life on NewAgeStore I’m usually feeding an animal or driving one of the teenagers somewhere!

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