Moon Information

  • Today’s Moon Forecast

    Moon in Virgo

    crescent moon buttonVirgo sign glyph symbol

    Moon is travelling through conscientious Virgo today. Watch for nagging. You probably are correct, but say it nicely. Run errands and don't forget to floss your teeth.

  • Current Planetary Positions

    Sun 02° Sagittarius 17' 11"
    Moon 13° Virgo 40' 14"
    Mercury 22° Sagittarius 21' 30"
    Venus 14° Capricorn 37' 05"
    Mars 05° Leo 06' 41"
    Jupiter 18° Gemini 05' 34" R
    Saturn 12° Pisces 45' 22"
    Uranus 24° Taurus 57' 05" R
    Neptune 27° Pisces 11' 09" R
    Pluto 00° Aquarius 04' 49"
    Chiron 19° Aries 34' 29" R
    TrueNode 04° Aries 59' 09"

For all our friends in the Southern Hemisphere